Been in a pageant is not an easy thing, sometimes you sleep early and sometimes its late at night but mostly you don't have rest and sleep for the whole pageant week, and of course its tiring. Photo shoot its like every single day. Here am I sharing my experience during the Miss Borneo Tourism Queen International 2010. Though I didn't win any title but it's fun to join in for the experience and to gain more self confidence, also I don't regret my choice to follow this pageant. Here are some picture for the whole pageant week.
Before the pageant week started, we have our own photo shoot at Benny Liew studio.
(Attire: Casual, Cocktail Dress, and Swimwear)
(Attire: Casual, Cocktail Dress, and Swimwear)
Next is
The day pageant week started (photo).
Press conference and random potraits picture
After the press conference, we had our random
photo shoot outside Hyatt
Damn, my eyes look weird..
I like this picture!! I pose like Amber Chia, lol, kidding.
Hahaha, I can't remember how many times I have to pose
until the photographer get the perfect shot. (Fuh~ penatnya)
Premier of SALT movie
Special appearance at Cock and Bull
(Jesselton Point)
(Nancy-Aunt-, me, Amy-Aunt-)
Apologise to cynta for copying pictures from her blog.
(tu la kau tdk upload tu gambar, LOL, thank you cyntut!!)
Talent show at Shenanigans
(Joanne-Cousin-, Daisy-sister-, me)
Credits and thanks to Jacynta's photo from her blog!!
(Siou pg ambil gambar mu.)
Charity Drive- Fashion Show

From left : Me, Chloe, Priscilla, Elaine and Samantha
Grand Gala Night Final!!!
First round is our own traditional costume
and I'm wearing Dusun Tambunan
traditinal costume.
Second round- Casual
Apology to Jacynta for copying this
picture...:)..Sorry I didn't look at the camera,
hahaha, I just want to finish it quickly.
Third round- Evening Gowns.
(From Bridal Spiral studio)
Sorry again for copying this picture...
Charity Drive- Fashion Show
Casual T-shirt...I guess...
I keep on steping the bridal dress cause its TOO long,
and I almost fell but luckily I don'
Promoting jewellery from Diamoney (necklace & earrings)
Walai Tokou Homestay (Kg. Sinisian, Kundasang)
Diamoney- Jewelery Fashion Show@
KKIA (theme: The Glamorous Look by MBTQI)

Project Aware Underwater

From left : Me, Chloe, Priscilla, Elaine and Samantha
Grand Gala Night Final!!!
First round is our own traditional costume
and I'm wearing Dusun Tambunan
traditinal costume.
Second round- Casual
Apology to Jacynta for copying this
picture...:)..Sorry I didn't look at the camera,
hahaha, I just want to finish it quickly.
Third round- Evening Gowns.
(From Bridal Spiral studio)
Sorry again for copying this picture...
And this is the end of the whole pageant week. I was lucky that I am able to experience this unforgettable 10 days of pageant week of Miss Borneo Tourism Queen International 2010.
Credits to all photographer
Not forgetting photos from Jacynta's blog and Nancy Anthony. Also from Borneo Divers Training Institute (BDTI) and Miss Borneo Tourism Quenn International 2010 (Official Fanpage).
See you next year!! XOXO...XD