Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals also known as SPCA is a non-profit organization that was established to prevent the cruelty to animals, giving them a shelter for the homeless one, feed them and giving them a loving and caring family not only among others animals but also a human companion.
Another reason this organization was established is to spread awareness to our communities on how to prevent cruelty to animals as well knowing what kind of cruelty that afflict to these wonderful animals (in my perception). I strongly believe that if we as the society involved in this organization, we can gain more loving and caring value in our hearts and be more aware about the cruelty happen in our surroundings.
Did you know that you can also adopt pets from SPCA? To get more info about this and other useful info's, click this link. Not forgetting you can donate items for the pets as what they stated in their wishlist (don't forget to check it). Animals is a wonderful gift from God and let make this as our responsibility to take care of them.
Love and peace to all animals and mankind. :D