Thursday, June 30

Miss Earth Sabah 2011 #Day 2

Second day of Miss Earth Sabah 2011!! Fun Fun Fun DAY!! lol..This day we have 4 destination in schedule. First  we're doing a tree planting activity with the children from Salvation Army at Lok Kawi Wildlife Park (in the botanical garden side). Each of us (the finalist) was given the opportunity to plant a tree and the children which we called our 'anak' also participated in this activity. While doing this activity the forest ranger told us about the importance of rainforest conservation in sabah. I also asked about what type of trees they were planting and how many species of it :) So here's the beginning of a beautiful morning.

Group photo with the children from Salvation Army :D

Soon after the group photo, we make our move to botanical garden riding the look-alike-train car (i don't know what they call it -_-"). I think we walk to our location about 100 meters sort off. Then its tree planting time! XD


 Cheryl, Crystel, Deenah

After our tree planting session we went to the hut near the elephant ride (I don't know what the hut call). Then each of the finalist was given a change to ride the elephant with our 'anak' XD Here are some picture 

Kieren and Pathlyn


While waiting for the animal show to start, I was amazed to see a big snake and eagerly wanted to touch it, which I did, hahaha. Snake is one of my favorite pets :D but sadly I didn't keep it in my house since I have cats, LOLZ. 

Next the animal show!!! If you've been in Lok Kawi for the animal shows, usually you know what happens :)


What next? LUNCH!! XD Sponsored by Bella Italia 

Helping the children to get their meals. 

After our lunch, we says our goodbye to the children before depart to our next destination :D 

Next location is one of MES11 sponsor outlet Olumis Butik. Olumis is a Dusun language which means beautiful or pretty. When we arrived, the manager introduce us the meaning of each kind of batik depend on the design and the story behind the design. Before this I never knew you can know where the batik came from, what the meaning of the design and the story behind it by just looking at the design. Thanks to Olumis Butik for giving us this knowledge of understnading. Once you know, you'll be amaze. Then we have the chance to paint a batik (only the wording la, haha) which was made by the worker for MES11. 

Yeah, I regret for now looking at the camera. Now I only can see my brown hair. lol

And the outcome of all our hard-work
painting the wording

Nice eh :D

Of next location is Citymall, we went there to get our sponsor shoes by Lea Center. There's nothing much going on here. So move on to our next location is...Bella Italia, having our dinner. And not to forget we get the chance to make our own pizza (yummy!!) The topping is just a simple one which is the sauce and cheese. Having such a great experience and fun making pizza :D


That's the end of the second day :D having such fun!! XD Miss Earth Sabah is TOTALLY down to earth for environment activity. We're learning and at the same time we are spreading awareness as well by participant in environmental activity. Look forward for my next post on #Day 3!! XD


Thursday, June 23

The Beginning Of Miss Earth Sabah (MES) 2011 Pageant week #Day 1

Back from the pageant week, as usual I'll be blogging about the events that happens :D It's been 3 days since the pageant ended, so I'll begin with Day 1.

Arriving at Novotel about 20 minutes late I presume make me feel nervous and I don't sleep well either since I pack all my things up at last minute but manage to arrive before the press conference even started (Thank God for that). 

During the press conference, we're introduce our self and give out our green message to others (which we will be using every time there's an introduction). The press conference end up at 12.00pm, here are some photos taken by Radzie during the press conference.

One of the sponsor goodie bag given to us XD

1 Malaysia!! 

After lunch at Novotel, we depart to Corefitness, centre point for our next activity at 2pm. If you see green t-shirt with a sash, that must be us :P This is also one of the subsidiary title which is Miss Corefitness. Check us out :D

I love this part of Day 1 activity. We dancing and at the same time 
we're exercising :D

After body jam for 3 hours (with a rest) the title for Miss Corefitness was announce. Miss Corefitness was won by Sandra :D

A quick shoot then head up to Hong Kong recipe (Warisan Square) for dinner. Man the food is awesome!! If i were to eat at Hong kong Recipe everyday, surely I'll get more happiness to the max :D

Candid picture

Overall, that day was fun especially the body jam part at corefitness :D But the second day activity is more tiring than the first day..STAY TUNE FOR DAY 2 POST!! XD