Tuesday, November 19

Ron BumbleFoot Concert in Sabah

BumbleFoot is the lead guitarist for Guns N' Roses band. So did you go to watch BumbleFoot concert at JKKNS (Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negeri Sabah)? Well, I have XD It was really fun watching the concert especially when he played his guitar along with other traditional instrument for "Sayang Kinabalu" and "Tanak Kampung" song. 

This concert was organized by SPArKS (Society of Performing Arts, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah) and fully sponsored by US Embassy. Here's a photo I took during the concert....

The concert only last for about 1 hour and a half or 2 hours the most. In my mind I was thinking it might last until 10 pm or more. Though it was a short concert it's totally worth to go especially when there are free goodies and free entrance (people LOVE this "free" word). Goodies not so bad, I really love the key-chain 

Thank goodness my bf love to go to this kind of event. And of course he's the one who asked me if I wanted to go or not and its really fun!!! Hope BumbleFoot will be having his concert again in Kota Kinabalu and when that time comes, I hope it will be awesome and longer than before. 
Yours truly,

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